Born in 1994in Osaka, Japan.I believeweb designcan be morediverse and inspiring.With a missionto presentthe possibilitiesof web design,I am pursuingnew expressionsthrough experimentsand thoughts.
- Awwwards Independent of the Year
2020 Nominee - Awwwards Site of the Day
Web Graphic Experiments - Awwwards Site of the Day
How did you make the background effect in this website?
I used three.js to write WebGL faster and the background effect is written in glsl.
If you are interested in glsl, I recommend you to read The Book of Shaders.
Where can I find your code?
I have GitHub account but my projects (including this website) are private repository.
Can I use your code?
I don‘t allow anyone to use my code. I don‘t wanna say such thing but I got too much questions about that.
How did you learn web frontend and WebGL/glsl ?
By reading books and articles on the internet.
Here is a list of web pages I recommend to read.
three.js examples
The Book of Shaders
three.js journey
Websites created by plagiarizing the source code of this portfolio site are listed here.
It’s completely normal to feel inspired by someone’s work and want to imitate it, and that’s how I’ve honed my skills as well. What I hate are idiots who just copy the source code and release it as their own.
The links below are to a Google Drive page where evidentiary screenshots were saved. The Names of the website owners are links to their sns account.
If you find any website that has stolen my website’s code, please let me know.( by Efe Zaladin
- Web Archive Page by Bakhtiyor Ganijon by Gomez Alberto A.
- Web Archive Page by Huszár Bence by Verónica Pinar
- Web Archive Page